Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Boots Organics Review

My skin has been the definition of bipolar lately. One second, it's happy and glowing with not a blemish in site, and the next it's dry and flaky, covered in blackheads and blemishes. Argh!! I was experiencing the latter while in my local Target the other day, perusing the skin care aisles for a miracle product to save my face when I landed on the Boots Organics line. I couldn't argue with the price point (all under $15!) and after a quick review of the ingredients in the Organic Hydrating Face Cream, I tossed a jar in my cart along with a tube of the face scrub, body wash and body cream from the same line. One week later, I am in LOVE!

The Organic Hydrating Face Cream has saved my life... ok, maybe not my life, but at least my face! I used it the same night I got it and woke up to visibly calmer, smoother skin. Not wanting to get too excited over the immediate results, I stuck with it for the next few days and nights, and my skin has continued to get better. I've even noticed a reduction in blackheads!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Makeup Mistake: Obvious Under Eye Concealer

Under eye concealer can be your best friend to wake up tired eyes and brighten dark circles. But, as shown in these celeb photos, if not applied properly it can look odd and unnatural, drawing unwanted attention to the under eye area. These glowing white half-moons look worse than the dark circles they're covering!

Flash photography makes the situation even worse. Many under eye concealers contain light-reflective pigments that brighten and reduce the look of dark circles, lines and wrinkles. These look great in natural daylight, but turn bright white under harsh flash photography. To avoid having your own set of reverse-raccoon peepers, use these tips: